This is a flat view of all the representations and relations. If you would rather explore our API starting from the Entry Point, please use the Browser.
- Quick reminder:
- Representation: a set of name-value pairs representing the state of a resource.
- Relation: the identifier of a link between two resources.
- mandate-representation
- mandates-representation
- create-mandates
- get-mandate
- get-mandates
- patch-mandate
- revoke-mandate
- search-mandates
1. mandate-representation
Description: A mandate represents the authorization given by a debtor to a creditor to collect on its bank account. The creation and signature of a mandate is controlled by an order resource with signMandate order item. A payment (direct debit) is possible only if the related mandate is in state "active".
- id
- The mandate id. Constraints: 36 characters or less, Read-Only.
- reference
- The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- rum
- DEPRECATED, use reference instead. The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- state
- The mandate state. Constraints: Text, set to created, waitingForReference, waitingForValidation, active, rejected, revoked or expired, Read-Only.
- standard
- The payment standard. Default: SEPA. Constraints: Text among SEPA, Read-Write.
- paymentScheme
- The payment scheme. Constraints: Text, set to SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE or SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.B2B, Read-Write
- creationChannel
- Define the channel used to create the order. The possible values are: SEPA, PIS_SIGNATURE, PIS_UNSIGNED, AIS_SIGNATURE, Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
- creationSource
- Defines the source of the data associated to the mandate. For example, it can be an open banking checkout but the merchant is allowing a manual entry mechanism as dual entry or fall back, leading to IBAN entered Manually. The possible values are: AIS, MANUAL_ENTRY_OTP, MANUAL_ENTRY_CHECKBOX, IMPORTED_MANDATE, PIS, IDEAL. Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
- initialScore
- The payment score. The score is calculated considering many complex parameters and evaluates the risk associated to a payment. 0 is the lowest risk, while 10 is the highest risk. Constraints: Integer between 0 and 10, Read-Only.
- sequenceType
- The mandate sequence type. Constraints: Text, set to RCUR or OOFF, Read-Only.
- createSequenceType
- The create mandate sequence type. Constraints: Text, set to FRST, RCUR, FNAL or OOFF, Read-Write.
- dateCreated
- The date the mandate has been created. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Read-Only.
- dateRevoked
- The date the mandate has been revoked. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Read-Only.
- dateSigned
- The date the mandate has been signed. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Read-Write.
2. mandates-representation
Description: A collection of mandates.
3. create-mandates (relation)
Description: Create a legacy mandate. A legacy mandate is a paper mandate that you want to import in SlimPay without signing it.
- reference
- The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- rum
- DEPRECATED, use reference instead. The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- standard
- The payment standard. Default: SEPA. Constraints: Text among SEPA, Read-Write.
- paymentScheme
- The payment scheme. Constraints: Text, set to SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE or SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.B2B, Read-Write
- createSequenceType
- The create mandate sequence type. Constraints: Text, set to FRST, RCUR, FNAL or OOFF, Read-Write.
- dateSigned
- The date the mandate has been signed. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Read-Write.
- creditor » reference
- The unique identifier of a SlimPay account, allocated by SlimPay. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- creditor » entity » reference
- The entity reference of the creditor, allocated by SlimPay. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Only.
- subscriber » reference
- The subscriber reference, also known as client reference. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » billingAddress » street1
- The first line of the street address. Optional, but if set, then city, postalCode and country must also be provided. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » billingAddress » street2
- The second line of the street address. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write (optional).
- signatory » billingAddress » city
- The city of the address. Optional, but if set, then street1, postalCode and country must also be provided. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » billingAddress » postalCode
- The postal code of the address. Optional, but if set, then street1, city and country must also be provided. Constraints: Text, 15 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » billingAddress » country
- The country of the address. Optional, but if set, then street1, city and postalCode must also be provided. Constraints: Text, an ISO-3166-1 standard alpha-2 country code (e.g. FR for France), Read-Write.
- signatory » email
- The email of the signatory. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write, (optional).
- signatory » lodgementStatus
- The lodgement status. Used for DDI creation. Constraints: Text, set to never_lodged, lodged_never_used or lodged_used, Read-Write.
- signatory » bankAccount » id
- The bank account id. Constraints: 36 characters or less, Read-Only.
- signatory » bankAccount » bic
- The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) identifying the account's bank. Optional, SlimPay can always compute a BIC when an IBAN is provided. Constraints: Text, 11 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » bankAccount » iban
- The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) identifying the bank account. Constraints: Text, 34 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » bankAccount » institutionName
- The institution name of the bank. Constraints: Text, 32 characters or less, Read-Only.
- signatory » bankAccount » countryCode
- The account's country code. Optional, but if set, then sortCode and accountNumber must also be provided, while iban and bic must not. Constraints: Text, 2 characters, Read-Write.
- signatory » bankAccount » sortCode
- The account's sort code. Optional, but if set, then countryCode and accountNumber must also be provided, while iban and bic must not. Constraints: 6 or 8 characters, Read-Write.
- signatory » bankAccount » accountNumber
- The account number. Optional, but if set, then sortCode and countryCode must also be provided, while iban and bic must not. Constraints: 8 characters, Read-Write.
- signatory » companyName
- The signatory's company name. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » organizationName
- The signatory's organization name. Constraints: Text, 24 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » honorificPrefix
- The honorific prefix of the person. Constraints: Text, set to Mr, Miss or Mrs, Read-Write.
- signatory » familyName
- The family name of the person. Also known as lastName. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » givenName
- The given name of the person. Also known as firstName. Constraints: Text, 32 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » email
- The email address of the person. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatory » telephone
- The telephone number of the person. Constraints: Text, an E.164 standard telephone number, 16 characters or less, must start with a +, Read-Write.
Example: Create (import) a legacy mandate by subscriber reference
POST follow( HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json; profile=""
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6WyJhcGkiXSwiZXhwIjoxNTMwNjMzNTk0LCJqdGkiOiI2ODNmNGE1Ni1kZjQ3LTQ0ZWYtYmIxYy02MDJhYmFlNGYwYjgiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJkZW1vY3JlZGl0b3IwMSJ9.VSmbmu4upmKj5_lTiBlqtbqSH42yx83AB1IFXJs08Tw
"dateSigned": "2015-08-26T08:47:53.925+0000",
"createSequenceType": "FRST",
"creditor": {
"reference": "democreditor"
"subscriber": {
"reference": "subscriber01"
"signatory": {
"honorificPrefix": "Mr",
"familyName": "Doe",
"givenName": "John",
"telephone": "+33612345678",
"email": "",
"billingAddress": {
"street1": "27 rue des fleurs",
"street2": "Bat 2",
"postalCode": "75008",
"city": "Paris",
"country": "FR"
"bankAccount": {
"bic": "DEUTFRPP",
"iban": "FR7616348000011523645985206"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json; profile="";charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1906
"dateCreated": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"dateSigned": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"id": "cd557c55-7ed7-11e8-bf72-000000000000",
"paymentScheme": "SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE",
"reference": "SLMP001990197",
"rum": "SLMP001990197",
"standard": "SEPA",
"state": "active",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"profile": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": "{?page,size}",
"templated": true
"": {
"href": ""
4. get-mandate (relation)
Description: Get one mandate.
No dynamic property needed. This usually means that the server already took the liberty to build the full URL for you depending on the context. Less code for you!
5. get-mandates (relation)
Description: Get one mandate. Currently id or both creditorReference and reference (or rum) are mandatory.
- id
- The mandate id. Constraints: 36 characters or less, Read-Only.
- creditorReference
- The unique identifier of a SlimPay account, allocated by SlimPay. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- rum
- DEPRECATED, use reference instead. The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- reference
- The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- paymentScheme
- The payment scheme. Constraints: Text, set to SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE or SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.B2B, Read-Write
- creationChannel
- Define the channel used to create the order. The possible values are: SEPA, PIS_SIGNATURE, PIS_UNSIGNED, AIS_SIGNATURE, Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
- creationSource
- Defines the source of the data associated to the mandate. For example, it can be an open banking checkout but the merchant is allowing a manual entry mechanism as dual entry or fall back, leading to IBAN entered Manually. The possible values are: AIS, MANUAL_ENTRY_OTP, MANUAL_ENTRY_CHECKBOX, IMPORTED_MANDATE, PIS, IDEAL. Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
Example: Retrieve a mandate representation by id
GET follow( HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json; profile=""
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6WyJhcGkiXSwiZXhwIjoxNTMwNjMzNTk0LCJqdGkiOiI2ODNmNGE1Ni1kZjQ3LTQ0ZWYtYmIxYy02MDJhYmFlNGYwYjgiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJkZW1vY3JlZGl0b3IwMSJ9.VSmbmu4upmKj5_lTiBlqtbqSH42yx83AB1IFXJs08Tw
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; profile="";charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 2144
"dateCreated": "2015-10-14T09:46:23.000+0000",
"dateRevoked": "2015-12-22T11:39:24.000+0000",
"dateSigned": "2015-10-14T09:46:23.000+0000",
"id": "6def0e61-7258-11e5-9eed-314e36732557",
"initialScore": 0,
"paymentScheme": "SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE",
"reference": "SLMP002883794",
"rum": "SLMP002883794",
"standard": "SEPA",
"state": "revoked",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"profile": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": "{?page,size}",
"templated": true
"": {
"href": ""
6. patch-mandate (relation)
Description: Patch a mandate. A mandate can be patched if it is in state "waitingForReference".
- reference
- The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
7. revoke-mandate (relation)
Description: Revoke a mandate. A mandate can be revoked if it is in state "active".
No dynamic property needed. This usually means that the server already took the liberty to build the full URL for you depending on the context. Less code for you!
Example: Revoke a mandate
POST follow( HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json; profile=""
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6WyJhcGkiXSwiZXhwIjoxNTMwNjMzNTk0LCJqdGkiOiI2ODNmNGE1Ni1kZjQ3LTQ0ZWYtYmIxYy02MDJhYmFlNGYwYjgiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJkZW1vY3JlZGl0b3IwMSJ9.VSmbmu4upmKj5_lTiBlqtbqSH42yx83AB1IFXJs08Tw
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; profile="";charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1790
"dateCreated": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"dateRevoked": "2018-07-03T15:43:16.486+0000",
"dateSigned": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"id": "cd557c55-7ed7-11e8-bf72-000000000000",
"paymentScheme": "SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE",
"reference": "SLMP001990197",
"rum": "SLMP001990197",
"standard": "SEPA",
"state": "revoked",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"profile": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": ""
"": {
"href": "{?page,size}",
"templated": true
"": {
"href": ""
8. search-mandates (relation)
Description: Search mandates. They will be in DESCENDING order.
- creditorReference
- The unique identifier of a SlimPay account, allocated by SlimPay. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- entityReference
- The entity reference of the creditor, allocated by SlimPay. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Only.
- subscriberReference
- The subscriber reference, also known as client reference. Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- mandateReference
- The Unique Reference of the Mandate (attributed by SlimPay if not set by the merchant). Constraints: Text, 35 characters or less, Read-Write.
- paymentScheme
- The payment scheme. Constraints: Text, set to SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.CORE or SEPA.DIRECT_DEBIT.B2B, Read-Write
- creationChannel
- Define the channel used to create the order. The possible values are: SEPA, PIS_SIGNATURE, PIS_UNSIGNED, AIS_SIGNATURE, Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
- creationSource
- Defines the source of the data associated to the mandate. For example, it can be an open banking checkout but the merchant is allowing a manual entry mechanism as dual entry or fall back, leading to IBAN entered Manually. The possible values are: AIS, MANUAL_ENTRY_OTP, MANUAL_ENTRY_CHECKBOX, IMPORTED_MANDATE, PIS, IDEAL. Constraints: Text, Read-Only.
- dateSignedBefore
- Search mandates signed before this date. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Optional.
- dateSignedAfter
- Search mandates signed after this date. Constraints: DateTime, ISO8601, Optional.
- state
- A comma separated list of mandate state. Constraints: Text, Optional.
- iban
- The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) identifying the bank account. Constraints: Text, 34 characters or less, Read-Write.
- companyName
- The signatory's company name. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatoryLastName
- The family name of the person. Also known as lastName. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
- signatoryEmail
- The email address of the person. Constraints: Text, 70 characters or less, Read-Write.
Example: Search mandates
GET follow( HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json; profile=""
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6WyJhcGkiXSwiZXhwIjoxNTMwNjMzNTk0LCJqdGkiOiI2ODNmNGE1Ni1kZjQ3LTQ0ZWYtYmIxYy02MDJhYmFlNGYwYjgiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJkZW1vY3JlZGl0b3IwMSJ9.VSmbmu4upmKj5_lTiBlqtbqSH42yx83AB1IFXJs08Tw
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; profile="";charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 7282
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"standard": "SEPA",
"initialScore": 0,
"dateCreated": "2018-07-03T15:23:10.000+0000",
"dateSigned": "2018-07-03T15:23:10.000+0000",
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"": {
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"dateCreated": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"dateSigned": "2015-08-26T08:47:54.000+0000",
"dateRevoked": "2018-07-03T15:16:30.000+0000",
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